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sonoma county beekeepers association

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SCBA General Meeting

  • Monday, September 09, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 1011 College Ave Santa Rosa

SCBA General Meeting

“Preparing for Winter”

Date: September 9, 2024; 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Location: Druids Hall

1011 College Ave - Santa Rosa

Join us on September 9 at the Santa Rosa Druid Hall as we get together and celebrate our members who helped make our Pollinator Brunch, Sonoma County Fair exhibit, and Gravenstein Apple Fair a success!  The Pollinator Express will be rolling in as we showcase some of the highlights from all these events. Two of the Pollinator Express “Cars” and the “Caboose” will be silent auctioned off as well as a few of the wine tour packages that are left over from the Pollinator Brunch.

Fall is the time to start planting for next year and Gardening for Bees is hosting their Welcome to Fall Plant Sale with many different varieties of plants including Moth Mullein and Narrow Leaf Milkweed.

Topic of discussion for the evening will be Preparing for Winter! We will break up into groups to discuss what is needed to get your hive ready for winter, one group for beginners and one group for seasoned who can discuss more advanced techniques and challenges.  Don’t have bees? That’s ok, we will have a breakout group for getting your garden ready for winter and a discussion on Native Bees as well.

This will be a fun and interactive gathering, opening discussions and exploring challenges that come with beekeeping and gardening in the fall and winter months. Bring a snack to share or a jar of honey for the honey tasting table!

Copyright (c) 2025, Sonoma County Beekeepers' Association.
Sonoma County Beekeepers' Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 98, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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