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sonoma county beekeepers association

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West Cluster Cafe - March

  • Saturday, March 16, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Given upon registrati, 10o


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West Cluster Bee Cafe

March 16

10:00 - 1:00pm

Bee Genetics and Record Keeping

Thea Vierling has been a beekeeper since 2008. She’s been very involved in SCBA as a former treasurer, co-founder of the cluster groups, instrumental in becoming a non-profit organization and education coordinator of SCBA. In her “former” life she was a high school biology teacher, former peace corps volunteer in the Philippines teaching biology. She loves talking about the bees and has led many hive dives. She has had Lang hives, top bar hives and also a Cathedral hive.

Thea will be our speaker and address the queen’s survival genes, the drones who carry the genes, the worker bees who express the genes! Here are some questions to think about:

  1. Can a virgin queen mate with the drones in the own hive?
  2. What is the “mating sign”? 
  3. What are some signs of a well mated queen! 
  4. Should you blame the swarm catcher if there’s no queen? 
  5. On what days in the queens development should you be very careful to check for the queen?
  6. What is the queen color for 2024? 
If you think you know all the answers to these questions, you will be tested! 

I’m from East cluster; you’re all from West cluster. Who is famous for saying:

“East is East and West is West and ne’re the t’wain shall meet”!

I’m looking forward to meeting all of you! Bring your sense of humor! 

Seed Propagation

Gulten will provide an outside hands on experience of propagating plants from seed. We will take home our planted bounty and you can bring a bag to take home extra soil for seeding at home. She also has a few plants she has planted for us!

Bring gloves and wear or bring boots to wear outside in case the soil is still soggy. 

Finger food is encouraged

PLEASE bring your own cup if you want coffee or tea.

Copyright (c) 2025, Sonoma County Beekeepers' Association.
Sonoma County Beekeepers' Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 98, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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