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sonoma county beekeepers association

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Into to SCBA Website

  • Tuesday, May 03, 2022
  • 6:30 PM
  • Zoom


Registration is closed

Tuesday May 3 at 6:30 pm, Join Shannon, our Program Director, as we are host a short intro to the SCBA Website

* We will look at the differences between the different views.  What a non member sees and what a member sees once signed on

* We will go into how to log into your account

* Swarm center - How does the general public report a swarm and request a beekeepers assistance vs how a member (swarm catcher or not) can report seeing a swarm on the members only page.

* Calendar - How it looks to non members vs members

* Videos - where the educational videos are located

** And More! We will look at the website in detail 

Who is invited - All members! especially those who are having difficulties or questions about the website

What to Bring?  Bring your Questions!   

We hope to see you there!

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Meeting ID: 860 4078 5140

Passcode: 492138

Copyright (c) 2025, Sonoma County Beekeepers' Association.
Sonoma County Beekeepers' Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 98, Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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